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    Monday, January 19, 2009


    Today we had 250 people come out to our event for Barack Obama's National Day of Service! We cleaned from Sunset and Fountain, down to Echo Park. We aren't sure if Silver Lake has ever been so clean...

    We even had two news stations come out. Below is the article from ABC News....

    Thank you to everyone who came out to clean today. We really appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication. Photos coming soon!


    1. Boy that John Logato sure looked great in the ABC clip. Who's he?

    2. Thanks for organizing the cleanup all across Sunset. We had a great time helping out, seeing neigbors and strangers alike cleaning up our neighborhood and honouring the day of an American hero.

    3. Saw you on Aztecas with Dr. King! Viva LANCUP.

    4. I had a great time helping out. It was nice when neighbors would thank us for cleaning up their hood.One man even asked how he could sign up. It is a beautiful way to help the change in America.
